Board : TCA Anant
Background : IRTS, IPS, B.Tech IT, Mumbai Economics Optional
Asked to remove mask and be comfortable.
Where you are posted now?
How many months you have done training?
Do assessment of IRMS
There are multiple institute of Railways what to do with multiple training institute of Railways?
How should be training of IRMS?
M1 Madam
Are you comfortable talking about China?
What is happening in xinjiang province?
Why China is doing so?
Asked some theory from IR I said I don't know.
If I say corruption is good for the economy what you will say?
Have you heard Jugad? What is your opinion?
Why India is lagging in innovation?
Member 2
What is happening between Pakistan and Taliban ?
Is there any other reason? Because of which group it is happening?
What is difference between TTP and Taliban?
Deflation is not good for economy why? (My optional is economics)
And Why small inflation is good?
What should be ideal level of inflation?
What is twin deficit?
What are the reasons in Sri Lanka?
How much is trade and fiscal deficit in Sri Lanka?
Member 3
What is your opinion on Indian Railways Privatisation?
Why complete privatisation is not good?
Why Britain model failed?
What about US model of Railway privatisation?
People are dropping from college and Starting startups. Is this culture good?
Why to idealize Bill Gates and Mark ?
What is India's ranking in innovation?
Have you heard of credit back scheme of NEP ?
Member 4
You were in IRTS now IPS, both are man management services. Now railways have centralized services in IRMS, which model is better centralization of decentralization?
Give examples.
While corporatisation of Indian Railways ,what should be retained from British Indian railways?
Bombay is competing with other cities for economic growth, how knowledge economy can be used for the further economic growth of Bombay?
Why we change name of cities? (Mumbai became Bombay) what is purpose behind it?
What is difference between innovative and invention?
Thank you
Board was quite cordial.
PS : I have faced same panel in 2019. Last time sir didn't interact much, this time he interacted for first 5 minutes.
Utility of Mock
This is my third interview and no coaching can match UPSC.
If you have any queries, please comment down below