1. Prelims
2. Mains
So let's talk about the very first stage i.e., Prelims
There are 2 papers in prelims
In GS,
1. Polity
2. History (Ancient, Medieval, Modern as well as art and culture)
3. Geography ( Physical and Indian Geography)
4. Environment and Ecology
5.Science and Technology
6.Other miscellaneous ( International organizations, Govt Schemes, Reports and indices etc)
7.Current Affairs
So let's talk about the most important tips here,
First of all you need to complete the basics of every subject like minimum knowledge about it
Basics can be easily cleared by reading NCERTs
Then the very next step is standard books reading,
But here firstly you need to know one TIP follow 1 or 2 books only not more than that i.e., Minimum resources.
TIP 2 : Then before reading the standard books like after completion of your basics(NCERTs) just see the previous year question papers
And here you need to just see not solve
Just know the pattern of questions how are they asking
Then start reading the standard book in that way
TIP 3 : No need of making notes from the standard books which are already a notes like polity Laxmikant book, modern history Spectrum book... These are notes in itself so don't make notes of it
Make notes for other subjects which you feel notes to be made.
TIP 4 : After completion of standard books test yourself by doing mocks
You can join any test series or you can get mocks online too
Do them and know your score.
TIP 5 : Do as many mocks as you can
But here you need to analyse yourself
Yes, Analysis is must not just blindly doing mocks.
TIP 6: Learn the tricks here such as Elimination method, 50-50, guess work and soon
Learn them and apply in your mocks
See whether its working for you or not.
TIP 7 : Don't do many institutions mocks just follow one or two Institute Test series.
TIP 8 : Be thorough with frequently asked topics in Prelims.
TIP 9 : Revise Revise Revise
TIP 10 : Health is also very important
Have good sleep, eat healthy food
Do meditation/yoga/exercise
After every 45 minutes of study, have frequent naps for 15 minutes not more than that
On exam day no need to hurry up its your day so be quite, patience and maintain peace of mind don't think of revising all the subjects on the exam day
Just be calm😌it's your day and you will make it a best day
Follow the trend of examination
That's it your good to go
All the best👍
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